Step by Step Coaching

Step by Step Coaching is a subsidiary of Evolution For Success Coaching company. They provide coach training. The site serves a landing page and sign up page for different trainings offered throughout the year. The site needed to be clean and crisp.  We used full width images and integrated a video on the front page.

step by step coaching homepage


Step by step coaching

Crepes Veronique

Crepes Veronique Website 1

This informational website was designed to be simple and joyful.

Easy to navigate, the pictures do most of the talking.  The site included a custom Home Page and video integration.

Website design for small busisnesses

Mud Run for Oxford

Website design for fundraiser in NC


This website was set up for a fundraiser for a high schooler.  He wanted it to look very modern and young. We integrated a video on the home page and a couple more throughout the site.  It included a blog for him to report his fundraising updates.


website design for High school in NC


Video integration in website design


Website for Charity in NC

Personal Blog Web Design

This personal blog was designed for my daughter to record her adventures.  We integrated fun colors, whimsical fonts, a slider, videos, and double navigation initially.  Over time, the site colors and layout evolved to reflect her growing up.

(For the safety reason, the blog has been set to “private” and is not accessible from this page)

Isabelle homepage 2

 Personal blog website design

bottom of homepage:

Personal website blog design

This personal blog was designed for a child to record her adventures.  We integrated fun colors, whimsical fonts, a slider, videos, and double navigation. The home page is individualized.

(For the safety reason, the blog has been set to “private” and is not accessible from this page)


The Woman Code

Landing micro page website

This site was a simple “landing page” or “Micro Site” to get visitors to sign up to receive a series of video via an auto-responder.  The navigation bar was taken out to put all the focus on the call to action.  The marketing copy was placed above the fold to eliminate the need for scrolling.

Beyond the first page, the visitor is taken through an additional pages.


Pre-Race Anxiety

Landing page and microsite

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